A woman recently told me that her biggest fear is she would die alone with just her cats. Her view of the future just seemed to communicate a deep sense of hopelessness. It makes me think of what the souls in Hell must have felt before Christ came and freed them. They had nothing to look forward to except endless suffering. They had no reason to be hopeful. They knew nothing of Jesus and His plan for salvation.
But we know the rest of the story. Christ died on the cross and went down to Hell and freed those souls held captiveĀ (Catechism of the Catholic Church, sections 631 – 634). Can you imagine their experience of joy when Christ burst open those doors, reached down, grabbed those to be saved, and brought them to their rightful place in Heaven? Off the charts, I am sure! He transformed their hopelessness into abundant peace and joy. Christ offers the same promise to you. He wants to burst open the doors of your pain and suffering, reach into your life, and lead you out of your personal Hell. Cling to Him in prayer and the Sacraments and expect for Him to transform your life in a powerful way. He will come!
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the holy Spirit. – Romans 15:13
Originally posted 2014-06-10 06:00:16.
Hi, I enjoy these posts so much and really appreciate that you have done this. I am sorry to have a theological question – the Hell in that reference is the waiting place prior to Christ’s Redeeming Sacrifice – certainly a place of seemingly endless suffering (but not “Hell” where the damned souls are condemned to live out eternity, correct?) I know we reference it in the Creed (sometimes said He descended to the the dead or He descended into Hell). I think our English translation can be a bit tricky and just thought I would ask you about it. Thanks!