“It had been more than fifteen years since I had been to confession.” Steve reluctantly revealed to the group during a Divorced Catholic session. He went on to tell us how he finally worked up the courage to get in line one day after Mass and go. It was a huge milestone for him. While he was really nervous before going into the confessional, he emerged with an overwhelming feeling of joy and peace. “I walked out of there feeling light as a feather. And you know what, I am looking forward to going again!” Steve added.
Steve’s excitement for having rediscovered the Sacrament of Confession was palpable. Christ himself taught us that Heaven erupts with joy when we humble ourselves to admit our sins and promise to do our best to avoid sinning again. In other words, Heaven has a good ole-fashioned throw-down. I imagine the angels and saints cheering and giving each other high-fives each time one of us exits the confessional. It’s no wonder Steve felt great. His soul, unencumbered by sin and awash in supernatural grace, reverberated with the same holiness shared by the angels and saints. For that moment, he was one with them. You can be too. No matter how long it has been since you have been to confession, all of Heaven waits with joyful anticipation for you to return to the loving, merciful arms of our Savior. Now, go and give them something to celebrate!
“In just the same way, I tell you, there will be rejoicing among the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” – Luke 15:10
Originally posted 2014-11-12 06:00:04.
Confession is an amazing sacrament. I love it! Need to bring my kids to confession this weekend. God bless!