My daughter recently graduated from school and was embarking on a major job search. It was rather nerve-wracking for her as she marketed herself to prospective employers. She spent hours working on her resume until it was just right. She would meticulously do her hair and makeup, and make sure she was dressed perfectly. Then, she would venture out to shake hands and drop off resumes in the hope of getting an interview. Each day she put her self-worth on the line, hoping that someone would accept her, all the while bracing for rejection.
From your desired college, to your employer, to the mortgage company, to your tennis team, it seems you are always having to convince others that you are worthy, that you should be accepted. Not so with Jesus. He loved you first, and there is nothing you need to do to keep His love; nor is there anything you can ever do that will stop Him from loving you. With Jesus you don’t have to prove your worth; you are already worthy. You don’t have to meet certain criteria; you already do. There is no application process to go through; you are already accepted. Take great comfort in this, and let Jesus be your source of acceptance and approval instead of a world that so often tells you that you are not good enough. With Jesus, you are always pre-approved!
“Everything that the Father gives me will come to me, and I will not reject anyone who comes to me.” – John 6:37
Originally posted 2014-11-07 06:00:20.
I liked this post. It gives me hope to know my Father in heaven still loves me. Sometimes that is hard to accept when my soon to be ex husband no longer does.
I struggle with unconditional love and how some people grow out of love with you. It makes me angry sometimes to know God still loves him too with all of the hurt and scorched earth he’s left behind. How do you reconcile with that?
I understand your pain. I was so angry and hurt as well. What helped me was to begin working on forgiveness. Forgiveness is hard to do, but it releases you from all the anger and pain. I have heard it said that not forgiving is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. The only one you are hurting is yourself. It is a process and does take time, but that is where our incredible faith can help. First, by experiencing forgiveness, it is so much easier to forgive. So, if you are doing so already, go to confession at least once a month. I would also suggest you do the Stations of the Cross whenever possible. Seeing how Jesus was tortured and yet forgave those that hurt Him the most, inspires us to do the same. Last, but certainly not least, receive the Eucharist as often as possible. You will need supernatural grace to forgive your former spouse. The Eucharist is like a nuclear reactor of supernatural grace.
I hope that helps!
God Bless,