“What the heck are you doing to me?!” was my plea to God when my world was crashing down around me those first days after my divorce hit. I was angry, especially at God. I thought that He always had my back, and now I felt abandoned. I blamed God for not saving my marriage. I thought He loved me. Why would He allow this to happen?
It is very common to feel angry and betrayed when our world is turned upside-down from divorce–even at God. We tend to look at God as this benevolent miracle worker who will fix every bad situation in our lives. When He doesn’t come through, we feel let down and alone. We often even question if God really exists. The truth is that God does really exist, and He will make every situation work out for our good; however, it is in God’s way and on His timeframe, not ours. Be assured that even if it does not feel or seem like it, God is always at work bringing good out of every situation, no matter how bad it might seem. Bank on it!
We are well aware that God works with those who love him, those who have been called in accordance with his purpose, and turns everything to their good. – Romans 8:28 (New Jerusalem Bible Translation)
Originally posted 2014-12-30 06:00:10.
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