If Jesus were to send you a written Valentine, it would probably say something like this:
Dear Valentine,
I know the pain you have been through, I experienced it when they were beating me.
I know the loneliness you are feeling, I experienced it when everyone abandoned me when I was arrested.
I know your feeling of betrayal, I experienced it when Judas sold me out.
I know your tremendous sense of loss, I experienced it when I was hanging on the cross.
I also know you; you have had a special place in my heart since before you were born.
I want you to be my Valentine.
I will never leave.
I will always love.
I am pursuing your heart everyday.
I promise to treat it with the utmost care.
I know right now it may be bruised, maybe even broken.
I am here to hold you, to heal you, to remind you that you are unconditionally loved.
Make me your first love and I will make every day Valentine’s Day for you.
Your Forever Valentine,
“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you; abide in my love.” – John 15:9
Originally posted 2015-02-13 06:00:10.
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