In our Voices of Hope DVD, one of the participants, Marty, says, “If you are afraid, God can’t get to you.” It is a very emotionally charged moment as Marty is recalling his struggles dealing with the pain and suffering during his divorce. Marty is no softy. In fact, he is a big, burly guy. A “man’s man”, if you will. Yet, he is choking back tears as he describes his experience. Fear is that powerful.
Marty makes a very vivid point: fear prevents Christ from working in your life. Fear is one of those emotions that can paralyze you and keep you frozen with despair. It robs you of the trust that is the foundation of faith–the very thing that Christ needs to work miracles. The tiniest whisper of faith can overcome the greatest fear. Christ said in the Gospels over and over, “Do not be afraid.”, for good reason. He knows how fear can build walls around hearts and keep Him at bay. Pray for the grace to trust more. Trust is the key to experiencing Christ’s endless love and mercy.
“Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid.” – Matthew 14:27
Originally posted 2014-12-22 06:00:14.
I just ordered your book online ~ my husband said “there is no point to our marriage” after 23 years (told our two children 21 & 20-both in college). We have seen counselors but he is not interested – “we’ve never gotten along” is another quip. He continues to live in the home and for the past 7 1/2 months communicates to me via email or text. He walks by me like I’m a piece of the furniture. I continue to pray the Rosary daily, go to daily Mass, Confession – put there are times I want to collapse. The lawyers now have the separation agreement and are tweaking it and we have to put our home on the market! Tomorrow begins Lent and I just am asking GOD to help me with this new reality of my life.
I am so sorry for your difficult challenges. Remember, that even Christ needed help to carry his cross. Reach out to family and friends for support. Counseling can provide just the help you need by giving you perspective and understanding. Of course, the Recovering from Divorce Online program is available to help you 24/7.
Cling to Christ during this time of extreme trial by going to Mass as often as you can and receiving the Eucharist. That is sure to provide you the strength (and charity) you need.
Live Abundantly,