Called To Lead

One night, I was in a boat with my brother on a lake near where I live. We could see lightning in the distance and thought that it was far away. It was getting late and we decided to head back to the dock. We were about 15 minutes into a 30 minute boat ride, when suddenly, […]

X Marks the Spot

“I am afraid that if I start to cry, I won’t be able to stop.” shared Susan during one of my workshops. Sadly, Susan’s husband had just informed her one week earlier that he was leaving her. Understandably, she was shattered. Fast forward three months later, and Susan, while still in the throes of divorce, […]

Thick Skulls

It was almost 3:00 AM, and I was sitting at my desk in my home office working feverishly. It was the night before a crucial divorce court hearing that would determine the fate of me and my children. I was a nervous wreck. I was so afraid that I would forget some vital evidence, or […]

The Way

The house was stone quiet. I was all alone. Even though it was past midnight, I could not sleep. I lie there staring up at the ceiling in the dark. I had no peace. It had been a difficult couple of years. I had tried lots of different things. The new relationships, the new house, […]

Single-Parenting Challenge: Spending More Time With Your Kids

Seven surefire strategies for having more quality time with your kids after divorce

One of the most common laments I hear from parents after divorce is the loss of quality time with their kids. That is understandable. The time they had with their kids is reduced, whether they are the custodial parent or not. While this challenge is experienced by both parents, it is more acute for the […]

Why Mid-week Single-parent Visits Stink and What You Can Do About It

Any single-parent who has ever had to deal with mid-week visitation knows that they can be experiences from Hell — for all involved. It is like trying to play eighteen holes of golf when you only have time for nine. It can work, but it is really ugly and the entire experience is way too […]

Tapping the Power of Your Catholic Faith

Do these three things to experience true healing

No matter how many divorced Catholics I talk to, I’m always filled with a sense of pain for them. I’ve been through a divorce and know how difficult it is. What hurts more are the Catholics that leave the Church after their divorce. I know the very thing they are searching for, peace and joy, […]

Essential Key to Recovering from Divorce: Avoid Pitfalls

Six proven ways to avoid major setbacks on the road to recovering from divorce

Avoid Pitfalls

When recovering from divorce, it is just as smart to avoid doing the wrong things as it is to do the right things. One poor decision can be a major setback on the road to recovery. Here are six things you want to avoid: 1. Dating/Bars/Nightclubs After a divorce, you are very vulnerable. And who […]