One morning I walked into Mass very distracted and anxious. I had many things on my mind: projects due at work, challenges with the kids, financial pressures, dealing with the ex, etc. On top of that, I wasn’t feeling well. It was hard to focus on the Mass. Frankly, I was just going through the motions. After I received the Blessed Sacrament, I was walking back to the pew when I heard it. It was a kind of whisper in my soul that said, “No matter what is going on out there, I am always here.” A feeling of peace flooded over me. Christ was reminding me that, while my life was stressful and unpredictable, His peace was available to me any time I needed it. I could unplug from the craziness of my life simply by coming to Mass. Time could almost stand still. My worries, fears and doubts could be put on hold. The Mass can be the oasis in my desert, a port in my storm. I never forgot it.
Going through a divorce brings on a tsunami of challenges, emotions, and uncertainty. And these typically don’t stop after the divorce is final. There are aftershocks of some kind, often for years to come. You can unplug from all of this at any time by going to Mass. Walking in the doors of the church, receiving Christ, even just being in His presence, is giving yourself a gift. A gift of His peace. A gift you can receive everyday if you need, or wish. Christ and His peace are only as far away as your nearest Catholic church. Claim your gift in the Mass.
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid. – John 14:27
Originally posted 2015-01-05 06:00:57.
Love going to daily mass. It has gotten me through some tough times. The Eucharist gives me a sense of peace every time. If I have not gone a few days, I actually can feel some distance from Christ. God bless!