“Realizing I had no other choice, I lifted the dryer and turned it upside down and out dropped my cellphone,” Sara said as she described how she solved the dilemma of her cellphone falling down the dryer’s lint vent. This would be surprising enough if a burly football player-type had said it, but this was coming from a rail-thin, petite woman. It was shocking.
How could such a seemingly impossible act occur? Most people would have sized up the problem and immediately eliminated themselves as a solution. It would have seemed too big and too daunting to handle on their own. Well, so can divorce. Going through all the difficulty, pain, and rebuilding is a challenge of immense proportion. Most panic, and many give up. Underneath the unthinkable is an opportunity to grow and discover just what you are really made of–if you let it. If you grab hold of your faith and pray for strength, you will undoubtedly find out that you are stronger, braver, more resilient, and more resourceful than you think you are. And, like a rubber band that has been stretched to its breaking point, you will never quite return back to your former self. You will be more confident and self-assured. Plus, as is true for most that overcome adversity, you will be more compassionate and caring of others going through the same thing. Now, get on with the impossible!
Therefore, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and constraints, for the sake of Christ; for when I am weak, then I am strong. – 2 Corinthians 12:10
Originally posted 2014-11-05 06:00:13.
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