Jesus is Gap Insurance

Jesus said to them, “They need not go away; you give them something to eat.” They replied, “We have nothing here but five loaves and two fish.” And he said, “Bring them here to me.” – Matthew 14:16-18 It Matthew’s recounting of the feeding of the five thousand, the apostles were overwhelmed at the prospect of […]

Tapping the Power of Your Catholic Faith

Do these three things to experience true healing

No matter how many divorced Catholics I talk to, I’m always filled with a sense of pain for them. I’ve been through a divorce and know how difficult it is. What hurts more are the Catholics that leave the Church after their divorce. I know the very thing they are searching for, peace and joy, […]

May The Force Be With You

Many times when I am a difficult situation, I am my own worst enemy. I worry and fret and then set about trying to solve all the problems by myself. Maybe you can relate. Christ reminds us over and over that we don’t have to go it alone. He will provide help. In fact, He […]

Coming Out of the Darkness of Divorce

At any given time, everyone has some aspect of their life that could be described as a “darkness”. It could be a physical darkness due to an illness with yourself or a loved one. It could be a financial darkness due to the loss of a job. It could be an emotional darkness due to a […]

Fear Is A Lousy Strategy

One of the most common reactions to divorce is fear. That is very understandable. Who wouldn’t be scared if their entire life came crashing in around them? The problem with fear is not being scared, that’s normal. The problem is acting on fear.

Raising Your Kids Catholic Despite Divorce

Raising out children Catholic after a divorce can be very difficult if the other spouse is not cooperative, and 9 times out of 10 they are not. Heck, if they were strong Catholics, you most likely would not have ended up divorced. There are two ways to approach this: the temporal and the spiritual. Both […]

Essential Key to Recovering from Divorce: Find Peace

Six Sure-fire Ways to Find Peace During the Difficult Days of Divorce

The words, “Daddy, that doesn’t sound very good.” jolted me back into reality. My four-year-old daughter had slipped up behind me without my noticing. Quickly wiping the tears from my cheek, I turned around to see her sleepy eyes and her curly hair tossed into a bird’s nest. Clearly, I had woken her up. After […]