“I love you, Daddy-O,” my 19-year-old daughter said to me as she hugged me goodbye. She then climbed into her car to drive the five hundred miles to the Naval Air Base that would be her home for the next six months. She had been home on leave for about ten days, and we had a great time doing many of her favorite things. Even though she was going to be gone for an extended period of time, all the memories, the love we shared, the joyful feelings, and the bond that was rejuvenated, all remained after she left. These were all permanent deposits that nurtured and deepened our relationship.
As with any relationship, you deepen your relationship with Christ when you spend time with Him. Heart-felt prayer is a great way to spend time with Our Lord, especially when it is in front of the Blessed Sacrament. This is powerful, life-giving time — time that will make lasting deposits in your faith and keep you connected to Christ. Just as time spent with a loved one is always fruitful, no matter how short, so is time spent with Jesus. Make spending time with Him a part of your daily routine.
As the Father loves me, so I also love you. Remain in my love. – John 15:9
Originally posted 2016-04-29 15:04:01.
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