“I am afraid that if I start to cry, I won’t be able to stop.” shared Susan during one of my workshops. Sadly, Susan’s husband had just informed her one week earlier that he was leaving her. Understandably, she was shattered.
Fast forward three months later, and Susan, while still in the throes of divorce, has an air of confidence and peace about her. It is a dramatic shift. When asked what happened, Susan is anxious to share her story. “While I am still in the midst of a very difficult divorce, I have rediscovered my Catholic faith and that has made all the difference.” she says.
Susan describes the Catholic faith as a “roadmap” that has led her to a much better place than she was in just 12 weeks earlier: “When my divorce hit, I was flopping around all over the place. I was truly in despair. I had lost hope. But, when I started to really dig into my faith, it became a roadmap that led me down a path filled with more peace than I thought possible. It truly saved me.”
For Susan, living her Catholic faith gave her a roadmap to follow that ultimately led to her healing. With this healing came the confidence and peace she radiated. She had discovered the treasures of her Catholic faith and it had transformed her. The great news is that this “treasure map” is available to anyone. Living your Catholic faith will lead you straight to Jesus, the greatest healer the world has ever known. Google your nearest Catholic Church to find the “X” that marks the spot where your greatest treasure can be found.
Everyone in the crowd sought to touch Jesus because power came forth from him and healed them all. – Luke 6:19
Originally posted 2017-10-09 13:28:47.
So glad your web-site is available. Divorced 10 years ago, there were no
Catholic resources available that I could turn to. However, a Protestant church provided an excellent 13-Step Bible based session on healing and
reconciliation. I’m very relieved to know of your Catholic services. The process of divorce is on-going and impacts our children.
Thank you.
Connie, thanks for your feedback! My mission is to make sure that, when a Catholic is experiencing divorce, there are plenty of resources available to help them and their families. Glad you found us.
Great inspiration today. The Catholic faith saved me through my divorce. A good friend that went through divorce 30 years before guided me and helped me to grow in my faith. It keeps me going today and focuses me on what really matters in life. God bless!
That is so awesome to hear! I would say your friend is an angel that God sent to you when you needed it most! Plus, they helped you grow in your faith. What a great friend!
Live Abundantly,