I often think about the Catholics that have left the faith because of their divorce. The reasons they left are usually because they feel alienated, ashamed, or unwelcome. Often, the annulment process is a stumbling block, too. In any case, there is usually a sense of loss when I talk to them. It is sad. I was in adoration praying about this, and wondering what Jesus would say to them. Here is what I think:
“Please come back. I miss you. I am so sorry for any pain or rejection My Church has caused you. That was never my intent. You see, I have entrusted My Church to humans, and while they mean well, they are not perfect. But, my love for you is perfect, as is the Truth contained in My Church. All the good things you experienced in My Church are still here. The richness, the beauty, the peace that comes from the Truth, is all still available to you. Most of all, I am still here. I am here in the Sacraments, in the community, in the Mass, patiently waiting for you to return. My heart longs for you. I have always loved you, even if you didn’t feel it from My Church. My Church has learned from the mistakes of its past. I have called on people who have experienced divorce to reach out to help other Catholics. The great news is they are starting to respond. They can help you. They can be a bridge back to me through My Church. Will you let them help you? Will you give My Church another chance? Please come back.”
Welcome one another, then, as Christ welcomed you, for the glory of God. – Romans 15:7
Originally posted 2014-05-07 06:00:36.
Thank you for supporting us at such a difficult time in our lives. I’ve always felt that no matter what, Jesus has carried me through the challenges that life throws at me. I am so thankful that Jesus has blessed me with faith. I am thankful that He guided me to your website, to find someone else who understands and has been there. Although I do not attend church in person I do watch from the virtual pew (Father Mike from ascension presents), that has also been sent by God! I am so blessed! Thank you for your support each day, May Gods blessings be yours always
Keep the faith!
God bless you,