One day, I was at a water park and the woman walking in front of me had a slight limp. I noticed a pretty significant scar running from her mid-calf down to her foot. While it was an obvious reminder of some past injury, it did not hold her back. She was enjoying herself completely, taking advantage of the daring slides and tumultuous wave pools.
I think this is a good analogy for what it is like to recover from divorce. The woman at the water park had been seriously injured. She sought out a doctor to help heal her because she could not heal herself. In doing so, she was able to overcome her injury and resume a full, normal life. The same is true for divorce. A serious emotional injury has occurred, and you should not try and heal yourself. Instead, you should seek help. If you don’t, more than likely you won’t heal properly leaving you with a lifelong burden of emotional pain.
Who is the person that can help you heal from the trauma of divorce? Jesus. The Gospels are full of stories of Jesus going from town to town healing countless people of their infirmities. It was one of his most visible expressions of love, and it never failed to radically change those He healed (and just as often, those who witnessed it, too.)
So, how do you get this Great Healer to heal you from the emotional wounds of divorce? Simple. Get more Jesus into your life. And how do you do that? Well, as Catholic’s it’s actually more straightforward than you might think: the Eucharist. Christ is physically present in the Eucharist. By receiving the Eucharist, either in communion or by adoration, you are bringing the Great Healer into your life. The more you receive Him, the more His healing power can work. The power of the Eucharist should not be underestimated. Allow Jesus to heal you through this most visible expression of His love. Receive Him and adore Him as often as you can.
“Everyone in the crowd sought to touch him because power came forth from him and healed them all.” – Luke 6:19
Originally posted 2013-06-21 10:04:11.
Just what I needed to see at this very moment! Thank you.