Have you ever had a time during the course of your divorce when you felt like doing something radical? I’ve spoken to many people who have done just that. Maybe they adopted a totally new look, got a completely new haircut, sold their minivan for a sports car, or started to go clubbing. When we go through an event like this, when the foundation of our life, our marriage, has been rocked, we often go into shock and do crazy things to try to find our new normal. Most times, we are not being loyal to who we really are and these attempts to act out have a very short-lived impact, if any, yet that desire to act out radically is tempting. Here’s the only crazy idea that makes perfect sense: make Jesus Christ your primary relationship. Here’s why:
- Most of us feel as though we’ve been duped. We thought we had made a good judge of character in our spouse and yet here we are. Jesus Christ is a sure bet.
- He can totally relate to you. He’s been abandoned, humiliated, betrayed by the ones He’s loved, even falsely accused. He gets it — He gets you.
- You do not have to sit around and wait for Him. He is waiting for you because He loved you first. He waits for you 24 hours/day in every tabernacle in the world. He longs to spend meaningful time with you. He will not forget you or abandon you.
- He is real. There are no head games with Christ. What you see is what you get and you never have to question His motives. He can be trusted. He has only one motive — to love you through this.
- He loves you just the way you are. You do not have to morph into some ideal that society has conditioned us to believe makes us desirable. He pursues you because of who you are, the real you. And He finds you irresistible.
Yet I live, no longer I, but Christ lives in me; insofar as I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God who has loved me and given himself up for me. – Galatians 2:20
Originally posted 2015-01-14 06:00:50.
I am grieving with such anguish. I am recently divorced, entered the dating scene and dated a man who told me he loved me then broke up with me after a month. I feel so abandoned. I feel misunderstood. I feel no self esteem.
I am so sorry for the pain you are suffering. Know that Our Lord sees you as beautiful and valuable. Here is a Daily Inspiration that I know has helped so many to come to know this truth:
Live Abundantly,
Thanks, Jim!
Live Abundantly,