My first Thanksgiving was so difficult. My divorce was in full swing and my world was crumbling. Frankly, I did not have a thankful attitude. What did I have to be thankful for? Everything in my world was being ripped away from me.
Fast forward thirteen years, and here is what I have learned: the most important things in life, no one, and nothing, can take away from you. Your health, the love of your family, your education, your faith, your heritage, the love of God, your ability to give and to love, and God’s purpose, are all things that are yours no matter what. In the midst of your personal storm, take a moment to reflect on these things. It will fill you with gratitude and remind you how blessed you really are, giving you hope and strength to endure even the most difficult times.
O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
his steadfast love endures for ever! – Psalm 118:1
Originally posted 2014-11-26 06:00:29.
How apprapo. We know, but so frequently, don’t acknowledge these gifts, allowing anguish to rise above them forgetting that into each life some rain will fall searching for ourselves instead of for God.
Thanks for sharing!
Live Abundantly,