Too Cool

Recently, I was on a flight to New York. I was sitting in an aisle seat. The middle seat was empty, and a young woman was sitting in the window seat. She caught my attention because she was what I would call “edgy”. She was dressed very flashy, had a purple streak dyed into her […]

Car Wreck

I often equate recovering from divorce to recovering from a near-fatal car accident. You emerge from divorce with your emotional well-being on life support. Every day can bring an avalanche of pain. Relief can be nowhere in sight. Just as physical therapy is used to help mend a broken body, your faith can help mend a […]


If you are feeling overwhelmed by all the challenges of life, you are not alone. Even the apostles felt the same way, and they had Jesus walking and talking with them every day. In Mark’s Gospel account of the Jesus feeding the multitude (Mark 6:34-44), the apostles were totally overwhelmed with the prospect of having […]

Follow the Peace

The more you open yourself up to God, the more He, through the Holy Spirit, will guide your heart.  The Holy Spirit is your advocate, your guide, in daily living. The more you work to center your life on Christ and doing God’s will, the more sensitized to a feeling of peace you will become. […]

Thick Skulls

It was almost 3:00 AM, and I was sitting at my desk in my home office working feverishly. It was the night before a crucial divorce court hearing that would determine the fate of me and my children. I was a nervous wreck. I was so afraid that I would forget some vital evidence, or […]


When I looked down the hall, all I could see was a long line of people. Most of them looked rather apprehensive; some shuffled nervously from one foot to the other. These people were waiting in line to go to reconciliation during one of our Divorced Catholic Conferences. We always offer reconciliation during the conference, […]

Father Knows Best

At our house we have a standing requirement that all the kids’ cell phones stay in the kitchen when they go to bed. Boy, how the kids hate this rule! They make every excuse in the book as to why they need their cell phones in their bedroom at night. My favorite one is: “I […]

Elbow Room

One time, my ex and I were butting heads over some custody issues. We had reached an impasse and neither of us was willing to budge. In my mind, issues regarding the well-being of the kids were non-negotiable. I tried everything I could think of to break the logjam. Nothing worked. After several weeks of […]


Recently, I saw pictures of snowflakes that had been highly magnified. I was absolutely blown-away by the uniqueness and beauty of these images! Each snowflake was way too intricate and detailed to be created by some random act of nature. Clearly, the Creator’s hand was at work to create a magnificent work of art in […]


I have a cat. When my kids were younger, they used to love to dangle a string over the cat’s head to make her jump and twirl. They used to say the cat was “dancing.” It looked more like “squirming” to me. I was never really sure if the cat enjoyed this or not. Frankly, […]