During a recent all-day workshop, I had repeated often my view that if one had to go through a divorce, it was a blessing to be Catholic. My point was that our Catholic faith offers so much hope and healing, particularly through the Sacraments, that to have to go through a divorce without them makes the experience so much more difficult. To my surprise, at the end of the workshop, a woman raised her hand and commented that her view of being divorced and Catholic had radically changed by hearing my viewpoint. She stated that before the workshop she felt it was a curse to be divorced and Catholic, given her understanding of the Church’s strict stance on divorce. Her relief and excitement now at being Catholic was obvious.
“And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it.” – Matthew 16:18
Originally posted 2013-10-02 11:01:35.
The Catholic Church saved me. When I was married, my faith was just a part of my life. When I hit rock bottom with my divorce, I turned to the Church and it lifted me up. Now my faith is the main part of my life. Communion, confession, adoration, rosary, and divine mercy chaplet are life savers. Getting to the Lord in Heaven and helping others is my main goal. I still struggle, but the Lord has blessed me in many ways. God bless!
You have discovered the pearl of greatest price!
Live Abundantly,
I agree that being divorced and Catholic is a curse. When I merely inquired about an annulment, I was confronted with so much red tape that I put any further action on hold. I was in the military for 13 years, I work for the Federal Government now, the proceedings with lawyer were full of red tape and waiting. The annulment is just another hurdle I have to go through. I am sick and tired of getting passed from person to person or getting one explanation from person A an person B tells you something different.
I have been Catholic for 45 years and that is threatened, if I don’t get my marriage annulled. It is true that the sacraments have strengthened me, especially the Eucharist. I don’t see an annulment in my future.
Peace and Blessings
So sorry for the struggles you have had with your annulment. Underneath the seeming red tape from the Church is its desire to know the truth and make a decision based on that truth. Believe it or not, many people find the process very healing as they are guided through exploring the reasons for the failure of their marriage. I think you have just approached a parish that is not setup properly to handle annulments. It can happen. For the most part, the Church is a volunteer organization. I suggest you approach your tribunal (through your diocese) directly and explain the challenges you have had. The Church really does want to help you. Please try again.
Live Abundantly,
Thank you for these words of wisdom and continuing to inspire others who are divorced. I have been an active Catholic my entire life. My faith is an important part of who I am. I love participating in the sacraments and then volunteering in the church to inspire others. Getting divorced has been a hard process, because I felt that I had let God down. I initially found it difficult to continue my volunteer work because I felt that I would be a hypocrite to others, but thankfully the clergy and the other volunteers have been very supportive of me. That has been a grace. I was never mad at God what happened in my marriage. I believe that marital breakdown is spiritual warfare, and my spouse and his choices were driven by unholy temptations to which he succumbed. I’ve got a devotion to our blessed Mother, and I find comfort in my daily Rosary. I continue to participate in the Mass and Adoration (pandemic style!) and I know that God and all HIS army of Angels and Saints will see me through this.
Keep inspiring others! Peace and blessings.
Thanks for your kind words, Yvette. Keep praying the rosary!
Live Abundantly,