The first year after my divorce was overwhelming. Along with being a single parent to three young kids, I was working full-time and trying to put my life back together. I felt like I had the weight of the world on my shoulders. My response was to put my head down and push through the many challenges in my day. I took on this uber-independent attitude; I was going to show the world that I could beat divorce.
Fast forward over thirteen years and I can now see that my struggles were greatly intensified because I checked God at the door each day. I would pray to God in the morning and then go about my day as if He didn’t exist. Thankfully, God does exist, whether I am aware of Him or not. My super-busy life, combined with my pride, blinded me to the reality that God is ever-present and always active, not just when I happen to remember Him. In my blindness, I am the one who clumsily shoves God out of the way and hijacks His plan for me.
Fortunately, our God never stops trying to get us back on track, no matter how many times we hijack Him. Be sure to take time throughout your busy day to lift your head up and become aware of how God is always pursuing you and guiding you back to His plan. Like the Energizer Bunny, He never stops!
For we are his handiwork, created in Christ Jesus for the good works that God has prepared in advance, that we should live in them. – Ephesians 2:10
Originally posted 2015-03-23 06:00:44.
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