When my divorce was final, my kids were all under the age of ten, with my youngest going into kindergarten. I was now a single parent responsible for raising these little kids, while trying to piece my life back together, and running a demanding business. Life was stressful, to say the least.
Since my kids had already been through so much turmoil, I really wanted their lives to be as stress-free and peaceful as possible. One way I wanted to do that was to put them on the school bus in the morning and be waiting for them at the bus stop in the afternoon. I believed that my being there for them each day would make them feel more secure during this difficult time. I remember that first year begging God for “just one year” of being there for them. Yes, I had to make sacrifices, but with God’s grace and help, I was able to keep my commitment. Seeing them waving goodbye through the bus window in the morning, and their smiling faces coming down the bus steps in the afternoon, made all the sacrifices worth it.
The following school year, I thanked God for allowing me the bus stop privilege, and once again begged Him for “just one more year.” He lovingly granted my request. Each year I would repeat my prayer, and each year God would fulfill it. As I reflect back on this, it is one of the things I am most grateful for as it helped smooth the transition back to normalcy for the kids.
What I realize now is how totally dependent on God I was. The odds were so stacked against me to make this happen. The only way was for God to have intervened. I can now see how He moved in my life every day to help me and the kids when we needed it most. It was almost as if he singled me out to love and help in His special way. I felt like His favorite. Truth be known, we are all His favorites, and He anxiously wants to bless each of us in abundance. No matter how difficult, or overwhelming, your circumstances, know with all your heart that you have a God who loves without limits and who yearns to help you. All you need to do is ask and trust in His abundant love.
And I tell you, ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. – Luke 11:9
Originally posted 2014-05-23 06:00:20.
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