During the throes of my divorce, I was in so much pain, all I could do was drag myself into daily Mass and sit there in an almost catatonic state. It hurt even to try and form the words to pray. I was completely overwhelmed. My feeble prayer was simply “Lord, please make all this stop. Please take my pain away.” That was my reality and that was all I could think about.
That happens to all of us when we are in extreme pain and distress. Our focus is on the here-and-now. Nothing else matters. We can hardly deal with today, let alone fathom tomorrow or next year. Our all-consuming struggle blinds us to the reality of God and His promises for us. It makes us forget that God is all powerful and all loving. Our earthly perspective masks our understanding and limits our faith. We fail to see how He can take any situation and bring good out of it. We tend to let our pain consume us, causing us to set our expectations very low. We are ready to settle for simply making the pain stop.
What we need to understand is that God’s plans for us are far, far greater than our expectations. His version of good is not the earthly standard for good, it is mind-blowingly great! If we could only get a more supernatural understanding of God’s infinite power and the limitless love that motivates all His plans, we would have a totally different attitude. We would live each day filled with joyful anticipation for how God is going to love us and manifest His goodness in our lives. This joyful anticipation would totally change the way we approach each day. We would anticipate–even expect–God to do great things in our lives. This would fill us with hope, making our pain more bearable, and our outlook more optimistic. I have seen time and again how I have sold God short in my life. I am so thankful that He doesn’t let my doubts get in the way of His plans for me.
To claim God’s promises and plans for you, give Him all your fears and pain and invite Him fully into your life. You will be amazed by how He loves you and reveals His amazing plans for you. Never underestimate the transforming power and love of our amazing God!
For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans of welfare and not for evil, to you a future and a hope. – Jeremiah 29:11
Originally posted 2013-10-03 11:00:52.
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