Mercy is experienced when God, who is love itself, loves us. It is a great form of love because it is given to us even though we don’t deserve it. We don’t need to do anything to earn God’s love. He pours it out to us freely. The greatest example of God’s mercy is when He sent His son, Jesus, to die for our sins. God didn’t wait for man to repent and become perfect. He sent Jesus even though mankind did nothing to deserve such incredible love.
St. Faustina, a nun from Poland, received special revelations from Jesus. She wrote these revelations down in a diary. These writings form the core of a devotion to Christ known as The Divine Mercy*. The main theme of these revelations is the abundant mercy of Jesus and how He longs to shower us with His mercy. When you are feeling beat-up or defeated from the fallout of divorce, turn to Christ and trust in His unending love for you. He promises to flood you with mercy and fill you with lasting peace.
Tell aching mankind to snuggle close to My merciful Heart, and I will fill it with peace. – St. Faustina Diary, 1074
*You can learn more about The Divine Mercy message and devotion at www.thedivinemercy.org.
Originally posted 2014-07-29 06:00:29.
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