When I was in the throes of my divorce, and my world was collapsing around me, my counselor suggested that I read one of the Psalms each day. She said that they would encourage me and give me hope. She was so right. My daily reading of the Psalms became my oxygen when I was feeling suffocated from my divorce. They breathed new life into me. At the time I was not really sure why. Now I know. The Scriptures are how God speaks directly to us.
Not only does Jesus speak directly to us in the Gospels, He even quotes from the Old Testament. From Jesus’s day to our present time, Jesus uses the Scriptures to teach us, guide us and encourage us. Reading the Scriptures is like sitting at the feet of Our Lord and allowing Him to speak directly to your heart. If you wish to know Jesus and His will for you, read the Scriptures every day.
Ignorance of Scriptures is ignorance of Christ – St. Jerome
Originally posted 2015-01-12 06:00:26.
Vet good inspiration. I read the daily readings and Bishop Barron’s Word on Fire reflection every morning. I use the app Laudate. It definitely helps me. God bless!
Live Abundantly,