Silver Lining

As the fog of emotional pain was starting to lift from my divorce, I made an unexpected discovery: quiet time. Every other weekend the kids went off to their other parent. Initially, the house seemed eerily quiet after the kids left. But over time I came to really appreciate, even look forward to, having this time […]

The Force

Yes, it pains me to admit, I am old enough to remember when the first Star Wars movie came out–plenty old enough. (I was a junior in high school.) One of the most memorable scenes in the movie was when young Luke Skywalker was being trained to use a powerful weapon, the lightsaber. He kept […]

The Rock

The name, Peter, is derived from the Greek word, petros, which means “big rock.” Jesus renamed Peter, from Simon, to symbolize that he represented the Truth revealed by Christ. This truth forms the foundation on which our Catholic faith is built. It is a foundation so solid that it has withstood the test of time […]

Missing Peace

I used to play a video game with my kids that required all sorts of heroic feats and superhuman strength to conquer the monsters, and overcome the overwhelming obstacles, that greeted you as you wove your way through various pursuits in search of a missing puzzle piece that would solve the riddle and win the […]

Master Plan

I leaned back in my chair and looked with great satisfaction upon the single sheet of paper lying on my desk. It was my detailed plan for the year. Every goal was neatly and concisely described and categorized based on my personal, spiritual and work roles. It was all there. The master plan for how […]

Called To Lead

One night, I was in a boat with my brother on a lake near where I live. We could see lightning in the distance and thought that it was far away. It was getting late and we decided to head back to the dock. We were about 15 minutes into a 30 minute boat ride, when suddenly, […]

Few True Friends

Unfortunately, going through a divorce these days is a very public matter. Thanks to the wonders of Facebook, Twitter, and email, it seems the entire world knows all the details of your personal life and trials. You can’t help but feel tried in the court of public opinion. As a result, the tendency is to try […]

A Secret

I have a secret. Since I have discovered this secret, it has given me an abundance of peace and joy, that I would never have received otherwise. It has radically changed my life — for the better. So, what is this secret? Well, you may be disappointed with how straightforward it is. It doesn’t require […]