The Way
Why Me?
Perfect Timing
As a typical Type A personality, my natural tendency is to act quickly to address any problem that might arise. This was never more true than when I was going through my divorce. Unfortunately, acting too quickly often pushes God out of the situation as we can step all over His plans. Remember, God’s timing is […]
High Alert
Turn On The Light
At any given time, everyone has some aspect of their life that could be described as in “darkness”. It could be physical darkness due to an illness with yourself or a loved one. It could be financial darkness due to the loss of a job. Or, it could be emotional darkness due to a divorce. Whatever your […]
Sure Bet
You Are Loved
“You are loved. Do you hear me? YOU ARE LOVED!” were the words the priest said emphatically. This was the central theme of the three-day mission led by this priest in my parish. He was so convinced of this truth, and was trying to convince everyone else who attended, that he actually had buttons made […]
Too Cool
Medieval Times

After my divorce, I remember scouring the Catechism for information regarding dating and relationships. Frankly, I was looking for a loophole that would allow me to pursue intimate relationships. I rationalized that since I was divorced, there must be certain exemptions for me. I wanted to date again, and I wanted to be intimate. After […]