Living in the Truth
Great God!
Forgiveness and Mercy
Divine Mercy Sunday Homily by Pope Francis, April 8, 2018

In today’s Gospel, we hear, over and over, the word “see”. The disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord (Jn 20:20). They tell Thomas: “We have seen the Lord” (v. 25). But the Gospel does not describe how they saw him; it does not describe the risen Jesus. It simply mentions one detail: “He showed […]
Christ Is Risen!
Meditation by Pope Francis Today the Church repeats, sings, shouts: “Jesus is Risen!” But why is this? Peter, John, the women went to the sepulcher and it was empty. He was not there. They went away with their hearts closed in sadness, the sadness of defeat: the Teacher, their Teacher, the One whom they loved […]
Single-Parenting Challenge: Spending More Time With Your Kids
Seven surefire strategies for having more quality time with your kids after divorce
One of the most common laments I hear from parents after divorce is the loss of quality time with their kids. That is understandable. The time they had with their kids is reduced, whether they are the custodial parent or not. While this challenge is experienced by both parents, it is more acute for the […]
Should You Take Off Your Wedding Ring?
When (or if) to take off your wedding ring is an interesting question. There are many different perspectives, for sure. Here’s mine: I remember very well the words I said to my wife (and she to me) on our wedding: “Monica, take this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity.” A wedding […]
Ground Hog Day

Today is Ground Hog Day. The annual ritual that seems to captivate so many people as they try and figure out how much more winter they need to endure. People always seem to be looking for signs and guidance for life. They watch rodents, read horoscopes, listen to Dr. Phil, and some even get their palms read. […]
Are You Disclosing Too Much Information To Your Kids?
Here's how to determine the right time to disclose details to your kids about their other parent

One thing that many parents get wrong when going through a divorce is disclosing too much information to their kids. I am referring mainly to details involving the shortcomings of the other parent. For many of the same reasons as to why you should not criticize the other parent, disclosing the sins of the other […]
Why Mid-week Single-parent Visits Stink and What You Can Do About It
Any single-parent who has ever had to deal with mid-week visitation knows that they can be experiences from Hell — for all involved. It is like trying to play eighteen holes of golf when you only have time for nine. It can work, but it is really ugly and the entire experience is way too […]