I often use the metaphor of a car crash to describe a divorce. Like a car crash, the people going through a divorce emerge very battered and bruised with the scars to show for it. Most people view scars as something bad, something to hide. But that is not how Jesus viewed His scars. His scars were a sign of new life. Without those scars, there would be no resurrection!
The same is true for you. New life is created by your scars–if you let them. Ignoring or denying the scars left by divorce makes all your pain and suffering in vain. Instead, acknowledge your scars by connecting your suffering with Christ’s. Doing so allows you to experience the power of His resurrection in a real and personal way. Your scars–and the suffering that created them–are now a powerful sign of how Christ’s resurrecting power created a new life filled with purpose and promise. Now that’s something to be proud of!
But rejoice to the extent that you share in the sufferings of Christ, so that when his glory is revealed you may also rejoice exultantly. – 1 Peter 4:13
Originally posted 2014-10-03 06:00:34.
Thank you so much for this post! I’m always trying to run away from, hide, fix, and eliminate my scars from the divorce. I almost feel like I’m not free and healed unless they are gone. This way of thinking of them is giving me peace and new insight. I feel like I can relinquish the fight to remove them and instead rejoice. They are a reminder of the chance at new life and freedom, not something I’m constantly trying to rub off of my life. Praise be to God! I’m feeling His peace enter my heart and like I can breathe freely. God is so good!
God bless you, Theresa! Your relief and joy is jumping right of the page. You are right, God is SO good!
Live Abundantly,