Master Plan

I leaned back in my chair and looked with great satisfaction upon the single sheet of paper laying on my desk. It was my detailed plan for the year. Every goal was neatly and concisely described and categorized based on my personal, spiritual and work roles. It was all there. The master plan for how […]

Eject Button

What do getting divorced, remarried, and divorced again in less than nine months, leaving your kids to become a groupie for a rock band, and moving to South America all have in common? They are all real choices made by people during their first year of divorce. Why would people make such obviously poor decisions? […]

Unfair Advantage

“If you have to go through a divorce, thank God you are Catholic!” I exclaimed to a group of divorced and separated Catholics. A puzzled look replaced the mostly pain-filled expressions I saw staring back at me. I knew what they were thinking: “How is being Catholic going to get me out of this mess?” […]

Faux Trust

Often, I find myself asking our Lord to help me with a problem or to grant a certain outcome. I put all my trust in Him that He will grant my request. After all, I know that He loves me and wants what is best for me. Who better to know what is best for […]