I read an article recently about a woman who was trying to help her kids understand why Jesus chose to suffer and die when He could have taken a much easier (and less painful) path for our salvation. She tells them of when she did not have enough money to buy a gift to bring to a wedding. Her friend, who brought a very nice, beautifully wrapped, gift allowed her to add her name to the card. She told her kids that Jesus allows us to “add our name” to the gift of His sacrifice to the Father. We can do this every time we suffer because Jesus was willing to suffer so that our own suffering would be worthwhile, not wasted.
Because Jesus chose to suffer, your suffering can have meaning and purpose. Think about that! When Jesus was nailed to the cross and undergoing tremendous suffering, He knew you would be suffering yourself one day and He volunteered to suffer just for YOU. When you offer your suffering up to Him, you are claiming the gift He gave you 2,000 years ago. Take comfort knowing that Jesus, even way back then, was willing to do whatever it took to ease your suffering today. He loved you that much then, and He loves you that much now. Claim His incredible gift!
Indeed, only with difficulty does one die for a just person, though perhaps for a good person one might even find courage to die. But God proves his love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us. – Romans 5: 7-8
Originally posted 2014-12-10 06:00:52.
Thank you, Vince. You are making it easier!