Category Archives: Faith
Unfair Advantage
“If you have to go through a divorce, thank God you are Catholic!” I exclaimed to a group of divorced and separated Catholics. A puzzled look replaced the mostly pain-filled expressions I saw staring back at me. I knew what they were thinking: “How is being Catholic going to get me out of this mess?” […]
New Day
Scavenger Hunt
In general, we don’t like change. Change equals risk, and people tend to be risk averse. It comes from our basic survival instincts. When we lived in caves, change could mean not finding any food, or worse still, stumbling upon some wild animal and becoming their food. (Yikes!) We seem to equate change with being […]
Larry’s Kids
Spiritual Fitness
Living the truth of our faith can be very difficult. We are all guilty of trying to modify a teaching of our faith to make it easier to live. It could be the Church’s teaching on sexual morality, or marriage, or receiving the Sacraments. Unfortunately, when we do this, it stunts our growth toward holiness and […]