
“That’s not fair!” screamed my five-year-old through a stream of tears. He was very upset that his older brother had received a fancy t-shirt as his souvenir on a recent trip to a Florida theme park. Ironically, just moments before, he was quite satisfied with the whiz-bang light saber he had chosen as his souvenir. We can all be like my son at times, never quite happy with what we have, convinced that our lasting fulfillment is contained in just that one more thing.

When divorce hits, we try to make up for what we lost by looking for that “one thing” that will satisfy us. We tend to try to regain fulfillment through material things like our homes, cars, jewelry, and clothes. We seek recognition and importance in success and the size of our paycheck, and we look for self-worth in relationships. Yet, the fulfillment never lasts, and our yearning is never satisfied.

Everything of this world, in the end, is exhaustible; they will never lead to lasting fulfillment. Christ gave us the one thing that is truly inexhaustible: the Eucharist. He knew that only He could satisfy the deepest yearnings of our hearts. Christ is the one thing that will satisfy us, every time, all the time.

For my Flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him. – John 6:55-56

Originally posted 2015-06-04 06:00:39.

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