It is very easy to become disillusioned with our faith and with God when dealing with the crushing difficulty of divorce. It can be a lonely time, and God can feel very distant. We can become resigned to thinking that our lot in life is to endure some form of misery for the remainder of our days. We can tell ourselves that we must not be one of the “chosen” few.
Let’s stop and think about this for a minute. Do you really think that we have a God that created us out of love and then dumped us to squirm and sweat under the weight of life’s challenges? Is that the kind of God we have? If it is, I am turning in my Catholic card!
The truth is, you have a God that is not only accompanying you during your life, but is cheering you on to levels that you can’t even fathom. When you face a challenge, God provides you with everything you need to not simply endure it, and not just overcome it, but to bring something GREAT out of it! You are not grinding through these immense challenges just to have a scar when it’s over. No! Rest assured, God created you for GREATNESS. Everything you touch, that you unite with Him, will be transformed into the greatest of great!
Your faith, your character, your compassion, your patience, your ability to love, all become great because of these trials. You will become a great parent because of the sacrifices you have made for your children. You will be a great example for other Catholics because you have decided to take the narrow way and really live your faith–all of it. Your greatness will shine out of the darkness because you were created for nothing less. No hardship, no broken promises, no shattered dreams, and no one else’s selfishness is going to keep you from realizing the greatness for which you were created. You simply need to believe. God will take care of the rest!
For we are his handiwork, created in Christ Jesus for the good works that God has prepared in advance, that we should live in them. – Ephesians 2:10
Originally posted 2014-09-25 06:00:48.
Thank you, Vince. Your messages give me hope to persevere through this brutal time.
You’re welcome, Kathleen.
God bless you,