I must have looked like a total zombie as I shuffled through the doors of the church. The night before was a complete nightmare and I got absolutely zero sleep. My wife had revealed to me that she did not want to be married anymore. This came as a complete surprise, given that I thought we had a pretty good marriage and life raising our three young kids. Not really sure what to do the next morning, I instinctively drove to my parish hoping to get some desperately needed advice from my pastor.
As I walked into the church, I noticed several people filing into the day chapel. It was a weekday and I correctly assumed that morning Mass was about to begin. Devastated and physically exhausted, I just numbly followed in behind the stragglers. I remember sensing a powerful, yet fleeting, emotion the moment I slipped into the back pew. It was momentary, but unmistakable: peace. In the midst of the emotional tsunami I was experiencing, I had a flash of peace. That was the last thing I had expected, but I could not deny it.
Why was that? Why in the midst of my world crumbling around me did I experience this momentary “pause” in my unbearable pain? Because my soul recognized Pure Love. You see, we are made out of pure love by God, the source of Pure Love. When we come into the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, our soul instantly recognizes its creator. When a lost child finds their parent, their heart leaps for joy — the search is over and peace floods in. That is what I experienced that morning; Jesus cradled my shattered heart and I found relief.
And so can you. Our creator, the one that is Pure Love, is always available to you in the Eucharist to console, comfort, and strengthen you. Just as John the Baptist’s soul recognized Our Lord while still in Elizabeth’s womb and leapt for joy, your soul will leap for joy when you come into His presence, too. Find your peace in the Eucharist.
For at the moment the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the infant in my womb leaped for joy. – Luke 1:44
Originally posted 2018-01-01 06:00:10.
Great inspiration. I totally agree. When I receive the Eucharist, I feel Christ giving me a hug. I forget about the pain and stress and think about what really matters, God, my two awesome kids, family, friends, and our beautiful church. I try to make daily mass as much as I can.
Nothing like getting a hug from Christ to help soothe your pain! Thanks for sharing.
Live Abundantly,
Amen!! Love your Catholic blog!!
Thanks, Michelle! I am so pleased that you are enjoying it. I always appreciate feedback.
Live Abundantly,
I had the same experience 2 and a half years ago. I was in shock. After 29 years of marriage my wife said she was leaving. She came back after 4 months after we confronted her about having an affair. She stayed 8 months but left again and moved in with him. I was totally wrecked. The thought of my wife while still married to me living with another man was a gut punch. However, my divorce support group and frequenting the sacraments has made it easier. I am still working through all of this but have moved on from her.
I was returning from just being handed the DIVORCE order… on my way dropped into a church…
Next day, my sis called informing me that she had gone ahead and booked me for a RETREAT.. a month earlier.
So there i was now at the retreat.. all lost and broken…
And strangely enough the same priest who had said the MASS at that wayside church was the preacher !
And wow… the Lord changed my moaning into dancing in my spirit !!
Its now 18years… and the song has not died down.
I am in the process of starting a program here in India… to help others in my position..find the same treasure that i did.
We have an awesome God !!
in Continuation to my earlier comment
If anyone has a ready fixed “program” something on the lines of the AA (alcoholic anonymous)..
I would be really grateful for the same…