The pain of divorce can be so intense that people turn to alcohol, drugs, even relationships, to find relief. Sadly, this type of relief is only temporary. Ignoring this, they figure if one drink didn’t work, two will. If one pill helped, two would help even more. If one relationship didn’t last, the next one will. And so on. They become like squirrels scurrying around for acorns trying to find relief that lasts. No matter how hard they try, the hangovers, the groggy feelings, and the imitation love, leave them with nothing but regret.
As Catholics, we are claimed by Christ at our baptism. We are His, and no drink, drug, or shallow relationship can substitute. Regret is the constant pull of our heart trying to draw us back to Him. Christ is the Real Deal. Only He can satisfy. Turn to Him in prayer and the Eucharist and experience relief that never fades. Anything else is just junk.
“I am the way and the truth and the life.” – John 14:6
Originally posted 2014-12-05 06:00:42.
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