I stood in front of the heavy, oak doors. That was all that stood between me and my future. On the other side of those doors was a courtroom, complete with a judge, a court reporter, and my spouse’s attorney, who was out to destroy me, my family, and everything that was precious to me. This was the day that would decide it all. My heart was pounding with fear — fear of not knowing how the judge was going to decide.
A big part of me did not want to walk through those doors. Doing so would set in motion the day’s events that would culminate in a decision dictating my future and the fate of my kids. The court was starting in three minutes. It was now or never. I had to decide.
I chose Jesus, who assures me that the truth will set me free, and I walked through those doors. I made a choice to believe, and it made all the difference. While I was scared out of my mind, at that moment, I acted out of faith, not fear. If I had acted on fear, I would have turned around and run out of that courthouse, unwilling to face the potential of a negative decision. Instead, I put all my faith in Jesus, believing that when the truth was revealed, the right decision would be made. As I turned the doorknob to walk in, my fear evaporated. All that remained was peace; peace in knowing that no matter what happened, I had chosen to believe instead of to be afraid.
The judge decided in my favor that day.
“If you remain in my word, you will truly be my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” – John 8:31-32
Originally posted 2018-03-29 00:30:10.
I am really thankful that you are so generous to share such painful moments in your life. Indeed, only God can take out good things from the evil thing that divorce is. Your former anguish is now the help of so many of us
Thank you for your kind words. I am living proof that God brings good out of all things! (Romans 8:28)
Live Abundantly,
Thanks Fernando. My hope is that by sharing my painful moments will help reduce the suffering for other divorced Catholics. (Romans 8:28).
Live Abundantly,