Going through my divorce turned my world upside-down. I suddenly started to question everything in my life. What was true? Who could be trusted? It was like my life was thrust into darkness and I was stumbling around trying to gain my bearings. I would talk to anyone who I thought could help me: friends, family, co-workers–even my hairstylist–trying to get the nuggets of wisdom that would help me make sense of my now senseless life. Heck, I would even tune into Oprah hoping that she would say just the right thing that would end my madness. Sadly, not even Oprah could solve my problems.
One day on my way to work, I drove past a Catholic Church I used to go to as a kid. I had the sudden urge to turn into the parking lot. Not really knowing why I parked the car and went inside. The church was empty and very quiet. I immediately felt a sense of peace like I had not felt in a long time. I walked all the way down to the altar and knelt down. Immediately, I dropped my head and began to sob. All the pain I had been carrying around for months just poured out of me. Finally, after about 30 minutes, I picked up my head, and through my tears, I saw the red light of a candle burning. That’s when it hit me. Christ was here with me in the tabernacle! My search was finally over. I had finally found the Truth and the answers I was looking for. Our Lord is waiting patiently in the tabernacle for each one of us to come to Him. Turn off Oprah and tune into Christ in the tabernacle. He’s waiting for you.
“Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.” – Matthew 11:28
Originally posted 2014-08-21 06:00:08.
Love this
This is one more my more popular inspirations. I think using Oprah’s name gets people curious. I am so pleased you liked it!
Live Abundantly,
Sometimes I have a hard time going into church because I feel as if I let God down. I have a overwhelming sense to cry I think because of this. I can not get past the fact that my ex told me all the time how much we were made for each other and months before he walked out. He was holding me tight and said he sometimes tried to get so close so I would become a part of him. When there is no going through the motions of even trying to save something, just walking away it is hard to think anyone is on your side even God. I do and try to go to church as much as I can but feel a bit like a fool for being tearful so much of the time. Not bitter just really confused.
I could not get through Mass without crying for over a year after my divorce. Don’t let that stop you from going. When you go to Mass you are in the presence of Love Incarnate, Jesus Christ. Allow Him to love you. Allow His angels to minister to your wounded heart. It is the absolute best “medicine” for you. God will never abandon you, even though those you love can.
Live Abundantly,
Thanks, Vince. Your sharing of your story is very helpful to me. In stead of feeling all alone in a sea of chaos, I realize that others have had their lives torn apart in the same way. Thanks for the hope and for the road map back to sanity.
You are so welcome!
God bless you,
Miss Winfrey is no one to look to for anything, being a leftist and a pagan.
Good thing we have our Catholic faith!
Live Abundantly,